Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Computer Systems Design And Related Services Industry

My Industry Report The nearly 200,000 Firms within the Computer Systems Design and Related Services Industry business deal with the writing, modifying, testing and management of computer software to meet the needs of customers. Employees that work in this industry code for large programs, install different types of software, and customize it to each customer s needs (Computer Scientists and Database Administrators). Specifically, Firms within the Industry design and create computer systems that integrate computer hardware, software, and communications technologies. These firms also update or fix computer systems, customize websites, choose the correct hardware and software products for a particular project, then develop and install them on a customer s system. Some companies in this industry also consult on security issues which help organizations prepare for a the inevitable malfunctions of their computer systems. During malfunctions, the firm s work on backing up lost data and crea te strategies for business operation during and after a shut-down. The top computer systems design service companies in the world are Apple, Hitachi Consulting, IBM, NTT DATA, Oracle Corporation, Wordstream, and Microsoft (List of Computer Systems Design Services Companies). The Market Structure of the Industry are composed of two groups. One group consists of the local brands, such as Friendly Computing in Redding. The other group consists of national brands. These brands consist ofShow MoreRelatedTechnological Model Of The Technological Environment1092 Words   |  5 Pagesconceptualize the changes in industries, technology, process, and impetus. New technologies have had an enormous impact across all aspects of the fitness industry, all the way from marketing and payment transactions to biometric evaluation. New technology is often synonymous with advances in science—more specifically, computer science. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Play Theory Of Human Development - 1264 Words

Play Theory Many researchers strongly believe on how important play on human development. A spontaneous play contributes to cognitive, social, emotional, physical and language in early childhood development. Play promotes social competence, creativity, language development, and thinking skills. When children are fully engaged in a self-active play, they are able to express their inner capacity to create and express feelings, thoughts, and perceptions. Play in children stimulates physical, social-emotional, and creative development. As curious as children play and develop language and social skills, cooperative and share, and physical and thinking development. â€Å"Play leads to a strong and powerful sense of self-concept; it helps children†¦show more content†¦Piaget and Vygotsky are the most recognized for their cognitive developed theories. They have significant contributions for understanding the relationship of child development and learning. This is a research on the similarities and differences in the theory of cognitive development between the two theorists and Piaget’s stages of child development and Vygotsky’s system of scaffolding. Piaget was a Swiss scholar and a psychologist who studied children’s cognitive development. He developed the four critical stages of cognitive development and believed that children progress from the stages. The sensor motor stage is from birth to two years. Children experiment and learn the world through senses and actions. The Pre-operational stage is from around two to seven years. Children start to expand and develop vocabulary through pretend play, but still lack of logical reasoning. They begin to represent the world symbolically. The concrete operational state is to eleven years. Children think logically and rational. They begin to understand the thoughts and others are not necessarily the same. The formal operations stage to sixteen or more. At this final stage, children have abstract reasoning and concrete thinking. Piaget took a more cognitive constructivist view and focused on the reasoning ability of individuals and how individuals interpret knowledge. Piaget theory of cognitive development which proposed children actively

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Role Technology Plays in Today’s Society Free Essays

After the Industrial Revolution, human beings came to a new era, which has brought about a drastic change to the whole world in all aspects of life, noticeably in the technological field, whose progress has been by leaps and bounds, and made what formerly believed impossible become a possible. It is obvious that there is a rush toward modern technology for teaching as well as learning nowadays. Learners, especially students have been very quick at embracing technology as the means to reach the most up-dated information in order to open themselves to the world as well as to see how the world touches them. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role Technology Plays in Today’s Society or any similar topic only for you Order Now Technology is used to enhance human beings physically and intellectually, however many people is discovering that that technology is a two-edged sword; the benefits are equally balanced by the downsides. It is said that particular jobs will inevitably disappear as a result of technological advancements threatening the importance of the job. Today, many jobs such as ATMs replace bank tellers, answering machines replace operators, and insightful descriptions of the product on Internet shopping sites replace salesmen. Many have considered the downsides to technology and decided that IT advancements are not all beneficial to society. Even though machines and technology have replaced the jobs that were once done by human beings, the jobs have not been eliminated; they are merely changed in a way that humans no longer carry on the task. Technology has also changed jobs in a way so that it makes it easier to human beings to do their work. An example is how humans exploit the usefulness of machines to mass-produce products and food. Engineers are also hired to develop ways in order to enhance the already existing technology. Despite social issues surrounding the idea of computers replacing humans, many people would agree that if a job is taken over by a machine that is incapable of independent thought, the job is not suitable for a human being who have the ability to do so. Technology helps eradicate useless jobs and decreases labor costs, but it also creates new jobs. An example of this is the manufacturing of the actual technology and the computer specialists hired to put the technology to use. In our never-ceasing quest for progression and expansion, it seems taken for granted that technological advancement is a positive phenomenon. Amidst the hysteria, however, lies the forgotten fact that the latest development is not necessarily what is best for society. We are encouraged to believe that faster, more complex and superior technology will be beneficial to us in some way. Technology has many positive aspects but, in the wrong hands, it can become dangerous. Technology is a valuable tool but is somewhat misused by today’s teens. The two main forms of technology affecting teenagers – cell phones and the Internet – have brought about major changes in our lifestyle. This technology has allowed teens to have inane communications and in doing so, contributes to the ‘dumbing down’ of society. We spend more time corresponding with our friends on cell phones and the Internet than we do working or participating in activities which expand and challenge How to cite The Role Technology Plays in Today’s Society, Essays

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Staffs Agreements in Franchise

Question: Describe about the Report for Staffs Agreements in Franchise. Answer: Introduction On the part of an employer, failure to meet the obligations of the work place and the requirements of the employees would have serious impact. The entire brand would be negatively affected in cases where the employer works in corporation with a franchise. In the context of the above statements it can be stated that complying with legal frameworks and policies in association of staff agreements plays vital role. Body While working with staffs and employers who is a part of the franchise there are certain legal policies that are required to be present in the agreement between the employees and the staffs. Firstly, the workplace should have an Enterprise or Workplace Agreement, with the staffs with the help of which the staffs will be provided with a set of minimum employment conditions. It is a statement of responsibilities and reciprocal rights which is agreed between a group of employees and an employer. On the basis of the responsibilities that employees have to perform the conditions like minimum pay and associated aspects in the agreement will apply. On the basis of an award, the entire business and the duties to be performed by the staffs will be covered if there is no registered agreement. In such cases, the minimum conditions and pay in the award will be applicable. It needs to be mentioned here that maximum number of people working in Australia are covered by 122 occupation and industry a wards. This implies that number of employees will be covered by an award, who are not covered by an agreement. In order to provide the staffs with a fair and equal scope of working, the agreement should also incorporate the Fair Work Act 2009 in the agreement (Austrade, 2016). With the help of incorporating this act in the agreement the staffs can be provided with flexible working arrangements, minimum entitlements eliminate discrimination against employees and establish fairness at work. Other than that, emphasizing upon Disability Discrimination Act 1992 also helps in establishing equality and preventing discrimination on the basis of any king of disability. The importance of this act in staff agreements in case of franchise can be seen from the fact that McDonalds Australia Enterprise Agreement 2013 is approved under this act and this core purpose of the act is to establish fairness and prevent discrimination against the staffs (Franchise Business, 2014). The fact that since 2011 McDonalds Australia has signed Proactive Compliance Deed with Fair Work Ombudsman further establishes the importance of establishing fairness in staff agreements in franchise. In order to ensure equality at work, McDonalds is also seen to strongly comply with Disability Discrimination Act 1992. The staff agreement should also highlight upon National Employment Standards (NES) with the help of which the staffs are provided with 10 minimum employment entitlements that are required to be given to all employees (Fair Work Ombudsman, 2015). Conclusion Thus it can be concluded by stating that in order to establish effective staff agreement in franchise the above discussed legal provisions are required to be present in the agreement. References Austrade.gov.au. (2016). Employment agreements - Austrade. [online] Available at: https://www.austrade.gov.au/International/Invest/Guide-to-investing/Running-a-business/Employing-people-in-Australia/Australian-employment-conditions/Employment-agreements [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016]. Fair Work Ombudsman. (2015). Welcome to the Fair Work Ombudsman website. [online] Available at: https://www.fairwork.gov.au/how-we-will-help/helping-the-community/campaigns/franchise-assistance/information-for-franchisors [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016]. Franchise Business. (2014). Young employees the focus of McDonald's agreement with Fair Work. [online] Available at: https://www.franchisebusiness.com.au/news/young-employees-the-focus-of-mcdonald-s-second-agr [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016].